(51 years old)
11 September 1965
New York City, New York, USA
5' 7¼" (1,71 m)
(51 years old)
11 September 1965
New York City, New York, USA
5' 7¼" (1,71 m)
Well known techno artist. His music was included on many soundtrack albums, including: "Cool World" (1992), Heat (1995), "Scream" (1996), "The Saint" (1997), "The Jackal" (1997) and "Tomorrow Never Dies" (1997). In 1997, he released an album of his film music called "I Like To Score".
I'm not a very good star. I'm small. And I'm bald.
Moby was born on September 11, 1965 in New York City, New York, USA as Richard Melville Hall.

Trade Mark*
Low singing voice
Black horn rimmed glasses

Descendant of Herman Melville, author of "Moby Dick" - that's where his pseudonym comes from.
He is a strict vegan.
Gave the speech inducting Steely Dan into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in March, 2001.
Every track off his 1999 album "Play" was used either in a television commercial or on a movie soundtrack (including Un domingo cualquiera (1999)). His music is not generally viable for radio singles, so he felt he needed to get his music heard by the masses, somehow. Doing so has helped "Play" become his most commercially successful album to date.
(May 14, 2002) Releases his album '18', which comes with 18 collectible art cards designed by Moby himself in all amazon.com pre-orders.
Directors for his music videos include Nicholas Brandt, Roman Coppola, Wayne Isham, David LaChapelle, Joseph Kahn, Mike Mills and Jonas Åkerlund.
Co-owner/co-founder, with ex-girlfriend Kelly Tisdale, of a vegan restaurant in New York City called "TeaNY".
Contributes "Nearer" to the "Warchild Hope" album (released 21 April 2003).
A member of animal welfare group Peta.
His song "Extreme Ways" was played over the end credits of The Bourne Identity: El caso Bourne (2002) and its sequels El mito de Bourne (2004) and El ultimátum de Bourne(2007).
Is a friend of Australian model Sarah Juricak.
(October 30, 2006) Presented Peter Gabriel with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Q Awards.
His favorite movies include Annie Hall (1977), South Park: Más grande, más largo y sin cortes (1999), Hana-bi. Flores de fuego (1997), La humanidad en peligro (1954), Hombre mirando al sudeste (1986) and Pena de muerte (1995). His all-time favorite film is Inland Empire (2006).
When not performing, often brews a variety of different tea blends.

Personal Quotes*
[on Eminem referencing him in one of his songs] At the time I was really flattered that the most successful artist in the world took the time out to mention me. During his gigs he has a guy dressed up as me come out so he can shoot me dead with a shotgun. It doesn't bother me, I like to think of it as my entry to the pre-school market.
I'm not a particularly attractive person - 5ft 8in, stooping, with a receding hairline.
It's strange because I really never expected to have a record contract. I thought I'd spend the rest of my life making music in my bedroom that nobody would ever hear. When I released my first record back in the early 90s, I thought I'd be lucky to have a career that lasted a year or two, so the fact that I've been making records for nearly 20 years really baffles me.
It's really bizarre being hated by so many people I've never met. It mystifies my friends more than it mystifies me, because I'm a relatively inoffensive person: I'm not very tall, I'm not very big, I'm not very bright. I don't know how I manage to annoy people so much. Maybe it's because I've been outspoken on certain issues? I do sometimes think I should go to school to become a shy, retiring, esoteric musician - the Kate Bush and Thom Yorke school of how to be a rock star.
When I was growing up, I was obsessed with New Order and Joy Division and a lot of that Cold Wave from around 1979 to 1983. I still love that aesthetic, that hybrid of electronics with rock elements ... dance music that has a pained, emotional quality.
[on the killing of Osama bin Laden and people celebrating it] Osama bin Laden was, as far as we can tell, a very bad man, and he was responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people. I still think it's weird when people celebrate death, you know, so the fact that like politicians and pundits in the States were all celebrating the death of this man, like you can, you can be glad that he's not around to kill anyone, but the idea of celebrating death always sits strangely with me. (May 2011)
(Gifs and photos: source_Tumblr)

(Gifs and photos: source_Tumblr)