*Dylan Bruno
(44 years old)
6 September 1972
Milford, Connecticut, USA
5' 10"
(44 years old)
6 September 1972
Milford, Connecticut, USA
5' 10"
Dylan Bruno was born on September 6, 1972 in Milford, Connecticut, USA as Dylan A. Bruno.

Emmeli Hultquist (24 June 2006 - present) (2 children)

During his death scene in La ira (The rage: Carrie 2) (1999), Dylan's character "Mark" drowns in a pool. The position his body ends up in is like that of a crucifixion. This was the same position Piper Laurie was in during her death scene in Carrie (1976), the movie to which La ira (The rage: Carrie 2) (1999) is a sequel.
Younger brother of actor Chris Bruno.
Was a contestant on Gladiadores americanos (1989).
Son of Scott Bruno.
Earned a degree in Environmental Engineering (Civil Engineering Dept) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Played linebacker for the MIT football team.
Was a nationally ranked wrestler in high school, and went to the Junior Olympics several times.
Son, Demian Axel Bruno, born 13 June 2007.
The episode of La zona muerta (2002) in which he appeared was directed by his brother, Chris Bruno.
Dylan has been the retail voice of Chevrolet for TV, Internet and radio commercials since 2011.
As of 2013 Dylan and his wife have sat on the board of Bobby Kennedy Jr's Waterkeeper Alliance.


(Gifs and photos: source_Tumblr)