5 October 1977, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
is a Spanish actor, TV presenter, comedian and screenwriter.
He attended an audition for the TV channel Paramount Comedy where the producer was looking for new talent. He put a sheet over his head and spoke about the disadvantages of being a ghost.
He passed the audition, and afterwards, joined the group of comedians
already at the channel, writing and performing his monologues in the
Nuevos Cómicos (New comedians) Some of them are:
Leyendas Urbanas [Urban Legends],
Cuentos Infantiles [Children's Stories]
Sexo y Milagros [Sex and Miracles]
Ángel collaborated on Noche sin tregua [Night without truce], his friend Dani Mateo's TV show on Paramount Comedy, and also on La Noche con Fuentes & Cía [Night with Fuentes & Cía] with Manel Fuentes.
He was one of the screenwriters of the successful series 7 Vidas [7 lives].
He worked from March 2006 to January 2011 at La Sexta, co-presenting Sé lo que hicisteis...
[I know what you did...], a humorous programme which takes a critical
look at the world of celebrity and sensationalist TV programmes with Patricia Conde.