Jason Statham
(49 years)
26 July 1967
Sydenham, London, England, UK
5' 10" (1.78 m)
Trade Mark
Deadpan, sarcastic delivery
Deep, gravelly voice
Often works with director Guy Ritchie
Did nearly all of his own stunts in Transporter (2002), including car chase sequences, scuba diving sequences and fight sequences.His break into the entertainment business came when an agent put him on an advertisement for the French Connection clothing company.
Prior to Transporter (2002) he already had a background in martial arts which enabled him to perform his own fight sequences.
Was originally set play Private Cooper in Dog Soldiers (2002), but dropped out to star in Fantasmas de Marte de John Carpenter (2001).
Offered the role of Agent 47 in Hitman (2007) after Vin Diesel was dropped from the project. Timothy Olyphant eventually took the role.
Well trained in Mixed Martial Arts and is an expert in Kickboxing/Jujitsu.
Has appeared in three different films in which his character gets attacked with an axe, Transporter (2002), Transporter 2 (2005) and El asesino (2007).
Has appeared twice in two different movies in a scene involving his character talking to himself in an elevator, during what appears to be a hallucination. Once in Revolver (2005) and once in Crank: Veneno en la sangre (2006).
Has appeared in two films with Ray Liotta, Revolver (2005) and En el nombre del rey(2007), both in which he is the protagonist and Liotta is the antagonist.
Was in a relationship with Kelly Brook from 1997 to 2004.
Paid $10,625,000 to purchase a 3,355-square-foot oceanfront house in the Malibu Colony in Malibu, California. In addition, since mid-2005 has owned a 2,281-square-foot house in Los Angeles' Hollywood Hills, which he purchased for $2.4 million.
Is in a relationship with Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.
Has appeared in two films which include the song "I Wanna Be Your Dog" by The Stooges: Lock & Stock (1998) and Transporter 3 (2008).
Has worked twice with Chris Evans and Jessica Biel, first on Cellular (2004), then on London. Oscura obsesión (2005).
Jason Statham spent 12 years on the British national diving team, competing on the 10-meter platform and the 3-meter springboard. In 1992, he was ranked 12th in the world as a platform diver.
Is friends with actor Vinnie Jones, and worked with him 3 times: first in Lock & Stock(1998), then in Snatch: Cerdos y diamantes (2000) and finally in Mean Machine: Jugar duro (2001).
A keen supporter of Nottingham Forest Football Club.
Makes a fleeting appearance just over a minute and a half into the video for "Dream a Little Dream of Me", performed by British band The Beautiful South.
Sofia, Bulgaria: Filming The Expendables 2 [October 2011]
Currently filming En el nombre del rey (2007) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. [July 2005]
Currently filming Crank - Alto voltaje (2009). [February 2009]
Personal Quotes
You ain't ever gonna get an Academy Award for doing Crank: Veneno en la sangre (2006) and you certainly won't for doing all the other movies I've done.[on being directed by Sylvester Stallone in Los mercenarios (2010)] He is someone that you have to respect and with that he runs a very relaxed set.
[on preparing for action roles] I go to this gym full of stunt men. There aren't any TVs or treadmills there. This is a spit-and-sawdust kind of place. It has a lot of great training aids - trampolines and bags and every weapon ever invented to do harm to a human being. If you want to know how to throw a knife it's great.
Growing up where I did, you met a lot of colorful characters whose business was on the other side of the law, or more likely you didn't know what they were up to, and you never would. So playing those kinds of characters now, I can draw on that. The rest of it, you can practice or learn from books. But mostly, I draw from my experiences. That's all I have, you know.
You see a lot of action films, and it's almost (like) you can't tell who's doing what. It's chopped up so much, you just see a fist, a leg - it's all driven by the sound, boom, pow, boom. You wouldn't know what was happening otherwise. The people who inspired me growing up, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, that's the real deal. You see them, the camera's way back, there aren't a lot of cuts - you feel like you're really in there. Today, there's so much technology and green-screen and CGI, you can turn your grandma into an action star. But people are getting wise to that, I think. There's no substitute for the real thing.
[on performing in action movies] I've spent all those years learning how to do certain skills, and then that competitive spirit kicks in and you want to do the stunts. Basically, it's the the male competitive ego at work.
(2007, on filming Death Race 2000 in Canada) The whole time I was up there I never had one beer. It was four months. I was training every day. You know you do the best you can do. If I'm no good in the movie, that's my fault. It's not because it was eight tequila shots and a bunch of people I shouldn't have been with.
The Transporter (2002) $750.000
The Italian Job (2003) $450.000
