*Adam West
(88 years old)
19 September 1928
Walla Walla, Washington, USA
6' 2" (1.88 m)
(88 years old)
19 September 1928
Walla Walla, Washington, USA
6' 2" (1.88 m)

When the money ran out, he joined a childhood and college buddy, Carl Hebenstreit, who was starring in the kiddie program "The Kini Popo Show" in Hawaii. Adam would eventually replace Carl but not the other star, Peaches the Chimp. In 1956 he got a divorce and married a beautiful girl, originally from Tahiti, named Ngatokoruaimatauaia Frisbie Dawson (he called her "Nga" for short). They had a daughter, Jonelle, in 1957 and a son, Hunter, in 1958. In 1959 Adam came to Hollywood. He adopted the stage name "Adam West", which fit his roles, as he was in some westerns.
After 7 years in Tinseltown, he achieved fame in 1966 in his signature role as Batman, in the wildly popular ABC-TV series "Batman" (1966) (though he has over 60 movie and over 80 TV guest appearance credits, "Batman" is what the fans remember him for). The aeries, which lasted three seasons, made him not just nationally but internationally famous.