*Ryan Lochte
(32 years old)
3 August 1984
Rochester, New York, USA
6' 2" (1.88 m))
(32 years old)
3 August 1984
Rochester, New York, USA
6' 2" (1.88 m))
Ryan Lochte was born on August 3, 1984 in Rochester, New York, USA as Ryan Steven Lochte.
Won a gold medal in the 4x200 free relay and a silver medal in the 200 IM at the Athens Olympics.
Attends the University of Florida.
Coached by his father, Steven.
Enjoys skateboarding, surfing and basketball.
August 28, 2004 was proclaimed "Ryan Lochte Day" in Port Orange to celebrate his success at the Olympics.
His favorite singer is Lil' Wayne. He's a huge fan of rap music.
He and Phelps met at the Trials for the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.
Is good friends with fellow US swimmer Michael Phelps.
His mother, Ileana, is Cuban, and was born and raised in Havana.
Taking a break for a bit after winning 2 bronze and 2 gold medals in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. [August 2008]
Personal Quotes*
[on competing in the 2012 Olympics] I think trials gave us a real sense of what we can do and what my body can take. And, sure, there will be a lot of ice tubs and massages and trying to cram calories into my body and trying to sleep as much as I can. And on top of that I'll be trying to save as much emotional energy as I can. So it will be a very full week, and I've got to make sure I stay on top of it.Won a gold medal in the 4x200 free relay and a silver medal in the 200 IM at the Athens Olympics.
Attends the University of Florida.
Coached by his father, Steven.
Enjoys skateboarding, surfing and basketball.
August 28, 2004 was proclaimed "Ryan Lochte Day" in Port Orange to celebrate his success at the Olympics.
His favorite singer is Lil' Wayne. He's a huge fan of rap music.
He and Phelps met at the Trials for the 2004 Summer Olympic Games.
Is good friends with fellow US swimmer Michael Phelps.
His mother, Ileana, is Cuban, and was born and raised in Havana.
[on competing in the 2012 Olympics] I think trials gave us a real sense of what we can do and what my body can take. And, sure, there will be a lot of ice tubs and massages and trying to cram calories into my body and trying to sleep as much as I can. And on top of that I'll be trying to save as much emotional energy as I can. So it will be a very full week, and I've got to make sure I stay on top of it.