*Noah Huntley
(42 years old)
7 September 1974
West Sussex, England, UK
6' 1" (1,85 m)
(42 years old)
7 September 1974
West Sussex, England, UK
6' 1" (1,85 m)
Noah Huntley was born on September 7, 1974 in West Sussex, England as Noah Cornelius Marmaduke Huntley.
Broke his nose while on the set of Dream Team during filming a scuffle between himself (as Michael Dillon) and Luke Mably (Scott Lucas).
Plays the Harmonica
Is a vegan.
Has a twin sister, Echo.
Is one of 8 children (6 girls, 2 boys). These include 3 sets of twins.


(Gifs and photos: source_Tumblr)